Every year in cosmetic surgery statistics, liposuction is one of the most popular procedures. Why? Because Americans seem to be having a harder and harder time saying no to the latest Monster Burger and a family-size bag of chips. And, especially as you age, the fat you put on is harder and harder to get rid of. Liposuction, while not a weight-loss procedure, suctions away unwanted, stubborn pockets of fat.
Dr. Hetzler performs different liposuction methods to achieve the best results.
Where did liposuction come from?
Liposuction first came to the United States in the 1980s from France, where the procedure was developed. The original procedure was somewhat violent, as the doctor had to move a relatively large cannula (a tube used to suction out the fat) back and forth quite aggressively under the skin to break loose the fat cells.
This had two problems. First, that kind of aggressive movement of the cannula wouldn’t work in delicate areas such as the bra strap area or under the chin (areas where liposuction is now routinely done). Also, the movement of the cannula caused widespread tissue trauma and bleeding. This combination made for extensive bruising that could take months to fully clear.
What changed?
Today’s liposuction with Dr. Hetzler is far easier and far more targeted. First, just about all liposuction procedures today use the tumescent method, where a saline solution that contains epinephrine and lidocaine is injected into the treatment area before the cannula is inserted. The saline solution constricts the blood vessels to minimize bleeding and dramatically lessen bruising. Plus, the lidocaine works as an anesthetic, usually precluding the need for general anesthesia, as was usually used previously.
If appropriate, Dr. Hetlzer also uses ultrasound energy to assist his liposuction procedures. The cannula emits ultrasonic energy under the skin. This breaks down fibrous connections, allowing fat to be more evenly and easily removed. Dr. Hetzler uses a feathering technique to ensure a smooth final result (some early liposuction could leave depressed areas where too much fat had been removed).
Not for weight loss
It’s important to remember that liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure. Dr. Hetzler wants his liposuction patients to be within around 10 percent of their ideal body weight. Removing too much fat from an area can be dangerous.
Tired of unsuccessfully trying to lose the stubborn fat pockets? Call Dr. Hetzler at (732) 219-0447 and set up a consultation for liposuction.
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