Archive | April, 2019

Male Breast Reduction | Little Silver, NJ

Is There An Age Limit for Male Breast Reduction?

It’s not unusual for a woman with overly large natural breasts to seek to have reduction surgery. The reasons are often a mix of both physical and emotional, even social factors. Conversely, while many men suffer from enlarged breasts, a condition clinically known as gynecomastia, few have the surgery with Dr. Hetzler to correct the […]

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Neck Lift Surgery Little Silver, NJ

Three Ways to Address Those Jowls

As we get older one thing is pretty much universal — we all have some degree of loose sagging skin under our chin. The dreaded jowls. Just about everyone has this problem and it is universally despised. But Dr. Hetzler has three options for getting rid of your double chin: Kybella, CoolMini, or liposuction. Kybella […]

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