The staff of Dr. Hetzler’s office is here to guide you through your treatment with compassion, care and professionalism. During every step of your experience with us, we will ensure that you are fully informed about the process and prepared for whatever procedure you have chosen.
Read more about our staff and the ways in which they can help you during a visit to our New Jersey office.
Christine Hetzler, R.N., B.S.N.
Christine Hetzler, R.N., B.S.N. has over 20 years of experience in skin care and non-invasive skin rejuvenation techniques. Her practice includes medical grade chemical peels that are customized for all skin types. She also offers SkinCeuticals and LaRoche Posay skin care products for all skin types including environmentally damaged, sensitive and acne prone.
Pamela Marcellus, R.N.
Pamela Marcellus R.N. has worked for Dr. Hetzler as his clinical coordinator for 20 years. With her experience, understanding and compassion Pamela will take care of you before and after your surgery helping you along the way to alleviate any concerns you may have. Pamela will answer any medical, reconstruction, or cosmetic procedure questions you may have. Pamela has recently been honored by receiving the “HEROES in CANCER CARE” award from Breast Intentions, for her work, care, and devotion to woman undergoing Breast Reconstruction. Pamela’s warm nature and nurturing is given to all of Dr. Hetzler’s patients.
Heather Povalski, R.N., B.S.N.
Heather Povalski, RN, BSN has been a nurse in Dr Hetzler’s office for the past 20 years. Heather will help you with any care and questions you may have before, during or after any procedure.