The breasts are an integral part of a woman’s self-image. Having breasts that are thought to be too small, disproportionate, uneven, or otherwise lacking can be something a woman addresses every morning when she gets dressed. But every woman deserves to love her body. To that end, breast augmentation with Dr. Hetzler can change that self-image.
Of course, the decision to have augmentation is one to not enter into lightly. But once you have decided to go ahead with the surgery, there are still other decisions you’ll need to make before we move forward. While these decisions may seem daunting, Dr. Hetzler will walk you through each one, giving you all the information you need to make your choices.
Of course, if you’re considering breast augmentation, the first step is a consultation with Dr. Hetzler. Together, you’ll discuss your goals and expectations for the procedure. It’s important that your expectations are in line with reality and with what can be achieved.
Once you decide to go forward, here are four other decisions you’ll need to make:
Implant type. You’ll choose between saline implants or silicone implants. Both implant types have pluses and minuses. Most people feel that silicone implants have a more natural feel than saline. If the implant ruptures, however, the body simply absorbs the saline, while silicone will need to be removed.
Implant position. You’ll decide if you want the implant placed atop the breast muscle or underneath the breast muscle. Of course, there is some subjectivity here, but many believe implants placed under the muscle have a more natural look.
Incision location. Implants can be placed through incisions either at the bottom of the breast, near or in the areola, or in the armpit. Obviously, incisions in the armpit leave the least visible scarring.
Implant style. The last of your decisions will be the size, shape, and projection of your implants. You will also decide if you want your implants to have texture, which can help to keep them from shifting.
This may seem like an overwhelming list of decisions, but know that Dr. Hetzler will help you with each of them. Call us at 732-219-0447 and let’s discuss the exciting possibilities of breast augmentation.
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