Will You Need a Full Tummy Tuck or Mini?

Tummy Tuck Little Silver, NJPregnancy takes a toll on a woman’s body. The way the baby concentrates weight in the lower abdomen area can over-stretch the muscles and skin to the point that it cannot return to its former degree of tautness once the baby is delivered. In many cases, the muscles in this area become separated. And no matter how many crunches you do, you can’t get this skin and muscle to tighten back up.

Hello, stomach pooch.

A tummy tuck with Dr. Hetzler, however, can return your tummy to its pre-pregnancy self, returning contour. A tummy tuck not only targets the abdomen but also takes care of love handle or muffin tops. The procedure can be very satisfying for the patient.

The question is, do you need a full tummy tuck or just a mini?

Full tummy tuck

For a person with a good deal of sagging skin, a full tummy tuck is probably the answer. In a full tummy tuck, Dr. Hetzler makes two incisions. The first runs from hipbone to hipbone, pushing down toward the pubic area. This incision is meant to be able to be hidden under a swimsuit bottom or underwear. A second incision is made around the navel. The skin is pulled downward, an excess is removed, and the skin is then reattached to give a smooth, flat, tighter contour. Sometimes liposuction can be combined with a tummy tuck if there are pockets of fat that need to be removed. If a good deal of skin is removed, Dr. Hetzler may need to reposition the belly button.

Mini tummy tuck

A mini tummy tuck involves only the lower incision on the bikini line. It skips the upper incision. Plus, the length of the incision may be shorter to match the patient’s needs. Obviously, a mini tuck cannot address sagging and loose skin in the navel area.

While a mini tummy tuck is a simpler procedure that will require less downtime and will create just a single scar, it isn’t for everyone. Mini tucks are ideal for people at normal body weight, with just a small, lower belly pooch. If you have excess fat, saggy skin above your belly button, or have lost a lot of weight and have a lot of excess skin, you’ll need a full tummy tuck.

Obviously, you will discuss your options with Dr. Hetzler during your tummy tuck consultation. After examining your condition, the two of you may decide only a mini tummy tuck is necessary. Or you together may decide on the full procedure.

If you’re wondering how liposuction fits or doesn’t fit into this, liposuction targets fat pockets. It doesn’t remove excess skin or tighten the underlying muscle. Dr. Hetzler may add liposuction to your tummy tuck procedure if you have some fat pockets in addition to the loose skin.

Interested in getting your pre-baby body back? Call Dr. Hetzler at 732-219-0447 to schedule a consultation.

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