scar revision procedure

Different Types of Scars

  As a board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Hetzler not only performs cosmetic procedures such eyelid and breast augmentation, he also performs various reconstruction procedures. A popular one is scar revision surgery. When considering whether you want to seek revision surgery, it helps to be familiar with the different types of scars. Keloid scars Keloid scars […]

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Injectable Fillers

A Five-Pack of Fillers

Every year, as new dermal fillers come onto the market, patients have more and more options to, basically, get a liquid facelift rather than the surgical variety. Of course, the results aren’t permanent, but there isn’t any recovery time, either. Dr. Hetzler offers a broad assortment of dermal fillers, along with fat and collagen injections […]

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Dermaplaning, the Ultimate Exfoliation

There are different ways to exfoliate the skin, but few are as effective and simple as dermaplaning with Dr. Hetzler. Dermaplaning manually exfoliates the skin, removing the outer layer of dead skin cells, along with unwanted facial hair. Many people when they hear the term dermaplaning mistakenly assume it to be dermabrasion. These two procedures […]

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chin enhancement

Quit Seeing Double with that Chin

There are many famous double chins out there. Think Alfred Hitchcock or Rodney Dangerfield or Chris Christie. In reality, almost anyone can have a double chin. Don’t believe it? Do a Google search on “Celebrity Double Chins” and prepare to be surprised! The clinical term is submental fullness. And in the aesthetic world, double chins […]

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Breast Augmentation

Decisions You’ll Make with Your Breast Augmentation

The breasts are an integral part of a woman’s self-image. Having breasts that are thought to be too small, disproportionate, uneven, or otherwise lacking can be something a woman addresses every morning when she gets dressed. But every woman deserves to love her body. To that end, breast augmentation with Dr. Hetzler can change that […]

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The Vi Peel

Everyone wants to have younger-looking skin whose sun damage has been erased to a degree. But aggressive chemical peels can involve long, uncomfortable recovery periods. But now, thanks to the Vi Peel, the results of a moderate peel can be achieved without the pain and discomfort normally associated with them. What is it? The Vi […]

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arm lift

Only Batman Should Have Bat Wings

With today’s modern fashions, bare arms are a typical part of the game. But if you have loose upper arms the last thing you probably want to do is put on a sleeveless blouse. Significant weight gain or weight loss, or simply the relentless march of time, can create this loose skin on the upper […]

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sunscreen protection

Beating the Burn — Understanding Sunscreen

Living in New Jersey with so much time spent at the shore, we’re all exposed to a lot of sun. The sun’s ultraviolet rays are the culprits, penetrating the skin and damaged its cells, leading to skin aging and wrinkling, and various skin cancers. We all know that the best thing would be to never […]

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ear surgery

Get Those Ears Pinned to Stem the Teasing

Kids can be relentless, especially when they settle onto an unusual condition in the appearance of another kid. This is especially true with protruding ears. Comments such as “satellite ears” or “Dumbo ears” can really impact the self-esteem of a child or young adult. But it doesn’t have to. Otoplasty, commonly known as ear surgery, […]

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Get to Know Melanoma

There are certain words you don’t want to hear: “Your mother-in-law is coming over for dinner.” “Let’s watch all seven Fast & Furious movies back to back.” “The boss wants to see you, in private.” “That growth on your face, it’s melanoma.” Yes, melanoma is the rarest, but most serious, form of skin cancer. It […]

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